Ah, how positively inspiring the sun's rays are when their warmth penetrates our eager souls. Weary of the non-existent winter, folks around town have embraced what's next, as moody Mother Nature gives us a taste of spring and summer this week in Southeastern CT. It is so bazaar to be enjoying the same weather in New England that my sister has in San Diego, CA!

Last Thursday was the first sign that true change was in the air. As I rounded the neighborhood with my dog that morning, I was struck by the warmth of the sun on my face. I had to pause and just stand there to face directly at the sun, soaking in the rising degrees. As we continued our walk, I realized I was clearly the most over-dressed person on the road. I had on my long down coat and my knit ski cap and gloves and thought nothing of it at first, attributing my lack for warmth as a daily thing. After all, I'm originally from the tropics, so even if the weather forecasters say that the high will be in the 60's, I pack on the layers out of habit. There have been enough days when the morning started off in the 30's, much to my chagrin.
There were many signs in the environment that we were clearly beyond the big thaw. First, I noticed my neighbor's tulip and crocus sprouts, green and purple tips poking through the hard ground at the edge of their lawn beds. Next, I saw a runner in shorts and a T-shirt. Alright, I thought to myself, the ski cap has to go. It's just embarrassing now. And put away the gloves too. I shoved them all in my pockets. Next, I heard new bird songs tweeting in the air. It was time to refill the bird feeders again. I noticed a red blob sitting in the heart of a bare bush. I checked for any movement or sign of life. Was it a red cardinal just sitting there, mocking me as well? Yes, it too, was enjoying the sun and his impulse was to stay put, to soak in the rays.
Over the past few days, more signs of the next season have emerged. My dog interrupted his own play to look around in response to very loud squawking overhead; it was a flock of over 70 seagulls flying in V formation, announcing their return from the South. In Waterford, it's nice to see groups of dogs being walked by their pet parents and friends not only in the morning now, but in the late afternoon as well. These doggy parades take place around the neighborhood and at special destinations like Harkness State Park. Kids are outside at the playgrounds again, riding their bikes and playing basketball at the end of their driveways.
Outdoor establishments are also taking advantage of the next season's earlier arrival this year. Bobby's Place, a cute little lobster roll and clam shack in Niantic, was serving customers outdoors last week. Apparently Frosty Treats, also in Niantic, has already opened for business. DQ's website says they will open for their 60th season this Saturday, March 17th. In New London, Fred's Shanty and Captain Scott's Lobster Dock are already open as well, taking advantage of Lent observers looking for a good fish lunch. My favorite sign, of course, was spotting several convertible cars zipping around town with their tops down, in March! Very entertaining. What a coup, to enjoy the double whammy of warmth and a light breeze lifting your hair in the wind. I couldn't help but wave to them in cheer.
One more clear sign Spring is here; when my daughter got off the bus the other day, she begged,
“Please, Mommy, can I do my work outside on the deck? I just have to be outside. It's so beautiful out.”
She sat on a deck chair, with a folder on her lap. She closed her eyes, crossed her legs, placed her clasped hands on her lap and held her face high toward the sun's rays, sighing in satisfaction. Now that's a true picture of Spring.
Good bye shovel, hello rake!
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